Steam tube deck oven

Front and sensitive parts made of stainless steel. The tubes are individually tested at a pressure of 600 ATM (about 3 times the normal running pressure).  Components of small dimensions permitting access into any kind of room. Refractory steel firebox with adjustable sectors, high thermal efficiency floors. Consumptions up to 40% lower than a steam tube deck oven with masonry furnace (with same configuration and baking surface). Hood equipped with steam exhauster. Two lamps for each deck.
All maintenance operations can be carried out from the front or from the upper part of the oven. Very good heat insulation by rock wool panels. Auto balanced glass hatches, easy to disassemble, equipped with stainless steel handles for a manual opening and closing. Burner support equipped with an anti-explosion device. İndependent steam system for each deck with a regular and uniform steam distribution. Gas or fuel-oil feeding.
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